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Life is a journey full of many adventures; I’ve had plenty, and I’m hoping for many more yet! 


I’m Anna, and the thing I most wish for is a long and healthy life, and my journey is about making that a happy one.


I’m not your stereotypical fitness instructor - I’ve been a slave to the weighing scales, I have lumps, bumps, ‘bits’ that I rather wouldn’t have....but, I’m fitter than I’ve ever been, and I feel strong!


In the past, I’ve been overweight, I’ve felt low, and I’ve been desperate to lose weight...


...these days, I look forwards, not backwards...


When I left school, I trained and worked as a qualified Social Worker in services for adults with learning and multiple disabilities, where I became a senior manager.  After the birth of my daughter, I found juggling life and work based stresses frustrating, so in 2008, took the decision to leave social work behind, and re-trained as a fitness instructor.  I chose this as I loved participating in a variety of aerobics & Pilates sessions, and am a keen runner.  I took the plunge and became self employed, and I have never, EVER looked back.


Now, my work feels like anything but; with an interest in enabling people to achieve their goals, whatever they are, I continually learn from the people that I support, along of course with gaining the relevant qualifications in my field*.  I learn from you every day, and my teaching style is very much based on supporting and enabling (and being just a tinsy bit bossy!)  As my own fitness levels have grown, I have set myself bigger challenges; I have run in 38 marathons, many of these being longer than the original marathon distance of 26.2 miles, on tough cross country routes.  In May 2019, having completed a number of 50k's (30+ miles), I ran my first major ultra marathon, the 100km (62+miles) London to Brighton cross country challenge.  I NEVER thought that I had that in me, but I did.  In 2021 I went a step further by completing a 24 hour continuous ultra-marathon.  My only target was to train hard and keep moving for as long as possible...which I did, pushing through intense fatigue and muscle soreness to complete 13 laps of over 6 miles each, totalling over 81 miles!  2022 had me running the entire circumference of the Isle of Wight in one go, while in 2023 I took part in another 24hour event. Once upon a time I would never have dreamed of achieving anything like this, but I did, and I continue to do so.  It is hard work, it takes dedication, commitment, energy and self discipline, but I DID IT! So, whatever your personal goals, aspirations and challenges, I PROMISE YOU that if I can change my health & fitness for the better, you can too, and I would love to help you to do so!


I AM DIFFERENT!!! And proud to be – I have no aspirations to becoming an internet fitness ‘guru,’ a ‘specialist’ or someone who convinces people that they know everything...because I don’t.  What I do know though, is that you WILL love my outlook and what I can offer you in your fitness and lifestyle journey.  So, what are you waiting for...hitch a ride on the fitness journey with me and jump right in!

I strongly believe that everyone who wants to exercise should be enabled to, whatever their physical abilities.  Everyone is welcome at my sessions, but if you prefer or need something more tailored, I offer 1-1 and specialist sessions.

* I am qualified in teaching Exercise to Music, advanced stretching (theory and technique), Fitness Pilates (L2) with additional specialisms in orthopaedic conditions, older adults, female health and health coaching, and in female mid-life training, assisting women through the varying stages of menopause.   

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